Thursday 17 July 2008

I finally Did it!!

OK... Everyone seems to be doing it and I've been meaning to set this up for whiley, and finally got round to it!
I'm going to use this blog to (try) and keep everyone up to date with everyone while im on my Gap Year in Bulenga, Uganda!
Im going with the charity Project Trust. They specialise in sending 17-19 year olds on year long Gap Years! The whole "PT" experience starts with a 5 day selection course on the Isle of Coll (off the coast of Oban) The week is full of all sorts of activities including teaching lessons, climbing the "largest" hill on Coll and digging Lazy beds for potatoes! It was great fun, but the wait to find out if you had been selcted (and where for) was excruciating!
In July everyone who's selected goes on training. We were the first training group, and it was the Uganda, Guyana and Japanese volunteers who were on Coll together! It was a great week, but very intense! We didnt have to dig lazybeds again, but there was a LOT of information we were given, but we also met all the other volunteers going to Uganda! They were an ok bunch... and I also met Nicola, who is the other PT volunteer going to Bulenga with me! She was/is lovely, though am feeling slightly sorry for her having to spent her gap year with me!! Anyway thats you pretty much up to date with whats been going on PTwise.

I finally also have my departure date! The 5th Spetember I leave from Gatwick to start my year teaching in Bulenga Modern Primary School, just outside Kampala. I'm going to be teaching P1- various subjects including Maths English and sciences. I'm also going to have the oppertunity to set up secondary projects in and around Bulenga, eg music clubs, sports clubs (unlikely with my sporting skills.. but you get the idea!) I will be living in a teachers compund 10 minutes from the school with my project partner Nicola! The accomodation is... basic! We have a small "house" with just two rooms, meaning that we will have to share a room all year!! Our "toilet" is a long drop that we apparently have to share the other teachers and their families! Despite the basic living conditions, I am really looking forward to the challenges and shall of course try keep the blog up to date so you can keep up to date with all the Uganda going ons!

Anyway thats all for just now.. all i have ahead is 50 days =) of getting ready, buying lots of stuff and clothes needed and finishing off my jabs! yay!
